

India, Lonavala, Aambi Valley Resort

Aamby Valley Resort is located 70 kilometers from Mumbai (about 2 hours from the airport by comfortable bus) and is located in the picturesque surroundings of the mighty Sahyadris, covering an area of ​​more than 10 thousand hectares.

The length of the coastline is 25 km, 3 artificial lakes, 11 reservoirs, and all this is against the backdrop of forests and mountains. It also has India's first fully operational private airport, certified under code 2C, and an air harbor.

Presentation PDF


Please select a room category for your stay at Aamby Valley Resort (from November 30 to December 5)

Room category Cost per room in US dollars (per stay)
Australian chalet 1350
Испанский коттедж 1450
Spanish cottage 1550
Аведа люкс 1800
Aveda Lux 1500
Cabana luxury 2000
Australian Lux 4000
Suite Hermitage 6000

Information for payment in rubles:

Information for payment in foreign currency:

Visa support

MOL Online Hotels LLP

Working papers

Recommendations to speakers.

The speech timing is limited to 5-7 minutes. The conference room will be equipped with all necessary audiovisual facilities. Presentations will be demonstrated on the screen. The presentations shall be compiled in accordance with the agenda of the meeting, therefore, you are kindly asked to provide them in PowerPoint format (size 16:9) not later than November 20, 2024 via e-mail:

The working languages​ of the event are Russian, English, Chinese. In order to improve the quality of simultaneous interpretation, please submit the texts of your speeches well in advance (no later than November 20, 2024) via e-mail:

Agenda Program Declaration

Contact information

Irina Spiridonova, Business Contacts Manager of the CCTT Secretariat

tel./fax: +7 (495) 232-5551, +7 (495) 234-00-22
